Saturday, April 08, 2006

Illustration Friday - "Speed" Topic

This is an illustration loosely based on a former neighbor.


Lou said...

She must be Tim "The Toolman" Taylor's mother. :) Great job!

Cez said...

so funny...

Rectite23 said...

I absolutely love the colors, too funny!

Willie Baronet said...

Sam, that must have been one great neighbor. :-)

Anonymous said...

Ditto Lou. I was already thinking that before I saw the comment.

Anonymous said...

tres chouette!

Anonymous said...

lol she looks cute and at a time dangerous. I like ur style.

Aravis said...

This is great! She seems like she would have been an interesting neighbor. *G*

The Tart said...

Wow, cool illo...send her over to my yard!

Andrew Glazebrook said...

Very nice pic !! Cool work !