Monday, July 11, 2005

Dan Beacome's Painting by Mouth


Here's a unique, original painting I've had for many years. It was painted by Danny Beacome with HIS MOUTH!!

Danny lived with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) for nearly 20 years. As many people know, ALS sufferes become confined to wheelchairs and live very much like quadripeligics (often times with tracheotomy tubes to help them breathe). So to live with ALS for that long is truly rare. Actually it was so rare that 60 Minutes (the TV show) did a segment on his life.

Unfortunately, or more likely fortunately, he died a few years ago but, he left a lot of great art behind.

From what I remember, he said he painted left mouthed. (You know, like someone saying they're left-handed)... interesting....

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