Saturday, July 10, 2010

Mangled Mail

380 Mangled Mail
On nearly every occasion that I've put mail in my mailbox to be taken, it ends up being mangled by new mail. This happens despite me leaving a pink post-it note stating I have mail to be taken.

This is a pretty good example of what's wrong with the post office. The mailman who delivers the mail to my apartments is seemingly, mentally unbalanced. On many occasions I've found him talking to himself (and to the mail!) followed by loudly rattling off a string of profanities that echo through the hallways. There have been numerous complaints filed against him for his profanities and lack of mail delivery. He's even had "retraining" by other postal employees on how to deliver the mail. After talking with the local post master, I was informed there is very little they can do. He can't be fired and he can't be transferred unless it's his choice.

Anyway, I decided to photographically document what happens with my mail, then submit it to the post master. My thought is, they probably have a personnel file and having some photographic evidence may help to "move him along".

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