Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Art 2030 Project - Southsea, Portsmouth U.K.


My wooden plaques were recently installed for the 'Art 2030' - Eastern Road bollard art project in Southsea, Portsmouth, U.K.

This guerrilla art project was conceptualized by "My Dog Sighs", who had this to say about the inspiration for the project: "So I drove home from work on this road ( the eastern road Portsmouth A2030) every day and it is always gnarled up. 10-15 mins everyday I sit stuck in traffic looking a a row of about 150 wooden bollards stood along the road. they must get tens of thousands of slow moving cars crawling past them everyday. the ultimate canvas!!!!"

If you'd like to submit art to the "Art 2030 Project" go here for more information:

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